The HERO brand has four key pillars: Health, Empowerment, Respect, One-for-one.
These pillars inform us and guide our vision to become a global healthcare company with a purpose and passion for helping communities in need.

Safe sex is sexy. But it's more than that. We believe sexual & reproductive health rights including safe access to health services and full, inclusive health & sex education, are human rights. Contraception is just one (big) part of sexual health - and health and wellbeing generally - but it's an important one.

We are committed to building a brand that reflects a new empowered generation, and a new conversation about sex. This means supporting our community to feel empowered by the choices they make, when it comes to sex. A big part of that is ensuring our brand elevates, empowers and amplifies the voices of people who inspire us. Representation matters, especially in an industry like ours, and we are excited to release content, campaigns and collaborations which empower all people to discover and celebrate their sexuality and sexiness.

Respect for others, respectful relationships and respect for the environment. Creating a new conversation about sex, sexiness & sexual and reproductive health rights means centering these conversations and practices around mutual respect, and importantly, consent. Respect also means acknowledging the role we should play in creating a more equitable, fair and safe world, by ensuring people are respected (and represented) for who they are, in all their diversity.